Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Global Perspectives from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys

Trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Global Perspectives from the WHO World Mental Health Surveys

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 8/9/2018
EAN 9781107059696, ISBN10: 1107059690

Hardcover, 354 pages, 25.4 x 19.3 x 2 cm
Language: English

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic, under-detected and under-treated psychiatric consequence of trauma that is often linked to new-onset medical and psychological conditions, impaired quality of life and long-term disability across the globe. This book is the first systematic analysis of the rates, risk factors, consequences and global burden of trauma and PTSD across a variety of wealthy and underdeveloped settings. An analysis of a global survey conducted by the World Health Organization and featuring findings from over 70,000 participants around the world, this text demonstrates a unique perspective on the prevalence of exposure to trauma and PTSD and the impact it has on population health. The findings inside this text underscore the urgent need for policymakers and healthcare providers to prioritize interventions aimed at reducing the burden of trauma, PTSD and its consequences.

Part I. Introduction
1. The global epidemiology of trauma exposure and PTSD Evelyn J. Bromet, Elie G. Karam, Karestan C. Koenen and Dan J. Stein
2. Methods of the world mental health surveys Ronald C. Kessler, Steven G. Heeringa, Beth-Ellen Pennell and Alan M. Zaslavsky
Part II. Epidemiology of Trauma Exposure
3. Cross-national prevalence, distributions and clusters of trauma exposure Corina Benjet, Jean-Pierre Lépine, Marina Piazza, Victoria Shahly, Arieh Shalev and Dan J. Stein
4. Childhood adversities and preexisting psychopathology as predictors of trauma Victoria Shahly, Corina Benjet, Graça Cardoso, Louisa Degenhardt and Elie G. Karam
Part III. Epidemiology of PTSD
5. Population prevalence of PTSD Karestan C. Koenen, Andrew Ratanatharathorn, Evelyn J. Bromet, Elie G. Karam and Dan J. Stein
6. The associations of PTSD with secondary mental and physical health disorders Ronald C. Kessler, Peter de Jonge, Yueqin Huang, John J. McGrath, Elie G. Karam and Kate Scott
7. The impairments associated with PTSD Ronald C. Kessler, Somnath Chatterji, Yanling He, Daphna Levinson, Elie G. Karam and Jordi Alonso
8. Patterns of treatment and barriers to care in PTSD Graham Thornicroft, Sara Evans-Lacko, Karestan C. Koenen, Viviane Kovess-Masféty, David R. Williams and Ronald C. Kessler
Part IV. Factors Influencing the Onset and Course of PTSD
9. The effects of trauma type, timing, accumulation and sequencing Howard Liu, Laura Helena Andrade, Josep Maria Haro, Dan J. Stein and Ronald C. Kessler
10. The effects of childhood adversities Katie A. McLaughlin, Oye Gureje, Norito Kawakami, Karestan C. Koenen and Ronald C. Kessler
11. The effects of prior psychopathology Ronald C. Kessler, Evelyn J. Bromet, Beth-Ellen Pennell and Elie G. Karam
12. Sexual assault among women Kate Scott, Evelyn J. Bromet, Ronny Bruffaerts, Karestan C. Koenen, Yolanda Torres and Ronald C. Kessler
13. Motor vehicle collisions Dan J. Stein, Hristo Hinkov, Maria Elena Medina-Mora and Ronald C. Kessler
14. The unexpected death of a loved one Lukoye Atwoli, Dan J. Stein, Margreet ten Have and Ronald C. Kessler
15. Natural and human-made disasters Evelyn J. Bromet, Silvia Florescu, Giovanni de Girolamo, Fernando Navarro-Mateu and Elie G. Karam
16. Patterns and predictors of the course of PTSD Anthony J. Rosellini, John Fayyad, Karestan C. Koenen and Ronald C. Kessler
Part V. Dissecting the Clinical Picture
17. DSM-5 and ICD-11 definitions of PTSD
inverstigating 'narrow' and 'broad approaches Dan J. Stein, Matthew J. Friedman, Katie A. McLaughlin, Kate M. Scott and Ronald C. Kessler
18. The role of Criterion A2 in the DSM-IV Diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder Elie G. Karam, Evelyn J. Bromet, Ayelet Meron Ruscio, Dan. J. Stein and Ronald C. Kessler
19. Threshold versus subthreshold PTSD Katie A. McLaughlin, Koen Demyttenaere, Karestan C. Koenen, José Posada-Villa, Ayelet Meron Ruscio and Ronald C. Kessler
20. Dissociative versus non-dissociative PTSD Dan J. Stein, Brendan Bunting, José Miguel Caldas de Almeida, Ayelet Meron Ruscio, David Spiegel and Ronald C. Kessler
21. Simple versus complex PTSD Elie G. Karam, Evelyn J. Bromet, Ronald C. Kessler, Maria Carmen Viana and Karestan C. Koenen
Part VI. Conclusions and Future Directions
22. Data mining to predict PTSD onset in the wake of trauma exposure Ronald C. Kessler, Sherri Rose, Paul Stang and Alan M. Zaslavsky
23. The population burden of PTSD Ronald C. Kessler, Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Jordi Alonso, Sing Lee and Karestan C. Koenen
24. Conclusions and future directions Evelyn J. Bromet, Elie G. Karam, Karestan C. Koenen and Dan J. Stein.