Treatment Manual for Smoking Cessation Groups: A Guide for Therapists

Treatment Manual for Smoking Cessation Groups: A Guide for Therapists

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Werner G. K. Stritzke
Cambridge University Press, 10/30/2008
EAN 9780521709255, ISBN10: 0521709253

Paperback, 218 pages, 23.4 x 15.6 x 1.3 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Treatment Manual for Smoking Cessation Groups guides the reader through step-by-step instructions on how to implement treatments to help smokers give up their habit in a group environment. The manual describes how to successfully deliver group interventions through an evidence-based, modular approach designed to suit a wide range of service settings. Each module contains therapist guidelines, client handouts and worksheets, designed with the busy clinician in mind. The treatment modules are structured in two parts: part one contains the therapist guidelines explaining the rationale behind the strategies and how to deliver the treatments effectively; part two contains the client materials supporting the program and providing self-help tools. Appealing to anyone involved in the provision of smoking cessation services; this manual is an essential tool for clinical psychologists, health psychologists, addiction counselors, mental health workers, health promotion officers and smoking cessation nurses and GPs.

1. Introduction and overview of program
2. Assessment, treatment planning, and evaluation of outcomes
3. Starting the change process
4. The ins and outs of becoming smoke-free
5. Kicking the chemical habit
6. Staying smoke-free I
enhancing motivation for change
7. Staying smoke-free II
prevention and management of a lapse or relapse
8. Staying smoke-free III
coping without smoking
9. Thoughts
how they affect smoking behaviors
10. Lifestyle change
on being a non-smoker