Twenty Ways to Assess Personnel: Different Techniques and their Respective Advantages

Twenty Ways to Assess Personnel: Different Techniques and their Respective Advantages

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Adrian Furnham
Cambridge University Press, 7/1/2021
EAN 9781108948722, ISBN10: 1108948723

Paperback, 556 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 3.2 cm
Language: English
Originally published in English

Over the years, there has been more and more research to test the validity of personnel assessment methods, an area which is far from easy. This book compares traditional practices against new techniques, including social media analytics, wearables, mobile phone logs, and gamification. Researchers and businesses alike know the importance of making good, and avoiding bad, selection decisions, but are unsure of how to proceed effectively. This book maps out the viable options and advises on best practice. The author combines both practical applications and academic, psychological research to explain how each method works, the theory behind it, and the extent of the evidence that supports it.

1. Introduction
2. Important issues in selection and assessment
3. Traditional and discredited methods
4. Self report tests
5. Observer reports
6. Behavioural tests
7. Physiology
8. Biography
9. Big data
10. The future of assessment.