Warped Disks and Inclined Rings around Galaxies

Warped Disks and Inclined Rings around Galaxies

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 5/30/1991
EAN 9780521401845, ISBN10: 0521401844

Hardcover, 310 pages, 24.4 x 17 x 2 cm
Language: English

Most galaxies are in clusters, where tidal interactions are not uncommon. Tidal and dynamical interaction in galaxies are of importance in studying evolution. A large amount of data has been collected on dust-lane ellipticals, polar ring galaxies, spirals with extended warps, and galaxies with inclined HI rings or unusual 'tails'. This book is a record of a meeting which was held at the University of Pittsburgh. It provided an informal, yet focused environment for the interaction of astronomers who have addressed these questions with a wide variety of skills, techniques and points of view.

Workshop participants
Group photograph
1. The intergalactic HI supply F. Briggs
2. Neutral gas infall into NGC 628 J. Kamphuis and F. Briggs
3. VLA HI observations of the radio galaxy Centaurus A J. M. van der Hulst, J. H. van Gorkom, A. D. Haschick and A. D. Tubbs
4. A geometric model for the dust-band of Centaurus A R. A. Nicholson, K. Taylor and J. Bland
5. The circumgalactic ring of gas in Leo S. E. Schneider
6. Using gas kinematics to measure M/L in elliptical galaxies T. de Zeeuw
7. Velocity fields of disks in triaxial potentials P. J. Teuben
8. Modeling the atomic gas in NGC 4278 J. F. Lees
9. A few statistics from the catalog of polar-ring galaxies B. C. Whitmore
10. Dynamics of polar rings L. S. Sparke
11. Mergers and the structure of disk galaxies L. Hernquist
12. Formation of polar rings H.-W. Rix and N. Katz
13. Gas-dynamical models of settling disks D. Christodoulou and J. E. Tohline
14. Evolutionary processes affecting galactic accretion disks T. Steiman-Cameron
15. Particle simulations of polar rings T. Quinn
16. A bending instability in prolate stellar systems D. Merritt
17. The Milky Way
lopsided or barred? K. Kuijken
18. Merger origin of starburst galaxies L. Hernquist
19. Warped and flaring HI disks A. Bosma
20. Behaviour of warps in extended disks F. Briggs and J. Kamphuis
21. Observational constraints for the explanation of warps E. Battaner, E. Florido, M.-L. Sanchez-Saavedra and M. Prieto
22. Warps in S0s
observations versus theories G. Galletta
23. Warps and bulges J. Pitesky
24. Time evolution of galactic warps P. Hofner and L. S. Sparke
25. Are warps normal modes? S. Casertano
26. Disk warping in a slewing potential E. C. Ostriker
27. Concluding discussion Moderator
K. C. Freeman
Name index
Object index
Subject index.