Waves and Mean Flows (Cambridge Monographs on Mechanics)
Cambridge University Press
Edition: 2, 3/6/2014
EAN 9781107669666, ISBN10: 1107669669
Paperback, 376 pages, 24.9 x 17.5 x 1.8 cm
Language: English
Interactions between waves and mean flows play a crucial role in understanding the long-term aspects of atmospheric and oceanographic modelling. Indeed, our ability to predict climate change hinges on our ability to model waves accurately. This book gives a modern account of the nonlinear interactions between waves and mean flows, such as shear flows and vortices. A detailed account of the theory of linear dispersive waves in moving media is followed by a thorough introduction to classical wave-mean interaction theory. The author then extends the scope of the classical theory and lifts its restriction to zonally symmetric mean flows. It can be used as a fundamental reference, a course text, or by geophysicists and physicists needing a first introduction. This second edition includes brand new material, including a section on Langmuir circulations and the Craik–Leibovich instability. The author has also added exercises to aid students' learning.
Part I. Fluid Dynamics and Waves
1. Elements of fluid dynamics
2. Linear waves
3. Geometric wave theory
4. Dispersive waves and ray tracing
Part II. Wave-Mean Interaction Theory
5. Zonally symmetric wave-mean interaction theory
6. Internal gravity waves
7. Shear flows
8. Three-dimensional rotating flow
9. Rossby waves and balanced dynamics
10. Lagrangian-mean theory
11. Zonally symmetric GLM theory
Part III. Waves and Vortices
12. A framework for local interactions
13. Wave-driven vortex dynamics on beaches
14. Wave refraction by vortices