Western Illuminated Manuscripts: A Catalogue of the Collection in Cambridge University Library

Western Illuminated Manuscripts: A Catalogue of the Collection in Cambridge University Library

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Paul Binski, Patrick Zutshi
Cambridge University Press, 3/31/2011
EAN 9780521848923, ISBN10: 052184892X

Hardcover, 532 pages, 27.6 x 21.9 x 5 cm
Language: English

Cambridge University Library's collection of illuminated manuscripts is of international significance. It originates in the medieval university and stands alongside the holdings of the colleges and the Fitzwilliam Museum. The University Library contains major European examples of medieval illumination from the ninth to the sixteenth centuries, with acknowledged masterpieces of Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance book art, as well as illuminated literary texts, including the first complete Chaucer manuscript. This catalogue provides scholars and researchers easy access to the University Library's illuminated manuscripts, evaluating the importance of many of them for the very first time. It contains descriptions of famous manuscripts, for example the Life of Edward the Confessor attributed to Matthew Paris, as well as hundreds of lesser-known items. Beautifully illustrated throughout, the catalogue contains descriptions of individual manuscripts with up-to-date assessments of their style, origins and importance, together with bibliographical references.

List of manuscripts catalogued
The catalogue
the British Isles
The northern Netherlands
Index of iconography
Index of artists, scribes and binders
Index of authors and titles
Index of types of books and texts
Index of provenance
Index of manuscripts
General index.