Women and the Periodical Press in China's Long Twentieth Century: A Space of their Own?

Women and the Periodical Press in China's Long Twentieth Century: A Space of their Own?

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Cambridge University Press
Edition: Illustrated, 5/24/2018
EAN 9781108419758, ISBN10: 1108419755

Hardcover, 448 pages, 22.9 x 15.2 x 2.5 cm
Language: English

In this major new collection, an international team of scholars examine the relationship between the Chinese women's periodical press and global modernity in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The essays in this richly illustrated volume probe the ramifications for women of two monumental developments in this period: the intensification of China's encounters with foreign powers and a media transformation comparable in its impact to the current internet age. The book offers a distinctive methodology for studying the periodical press, which is supported by the development of a bilingual database of early Chinese periodicals. Throughout the study, essays on China are punctuated by transdisciplinary reflections from scholars working on periodicals outside of the Chinese context, encouraging readers to rethink common stereotypes about lived womanhood in modern China, and to reconsider the nature of Chinese modernity in a global context.

women's journals as multigeneric artefacts Joan Judge, Barbara Mittler and Michel Hockx
Part I. Methodologies
Framing, Constituting, and Regulating the Space of the Woman's Journal
1. Persuading with pictures
cover art and The Ladies' Journal (1915–1931) Julia F. Andrews
2. Engendering a journal
editors and nudes in petite and its global context Liying Sun
3. Raising eyebrows
the journal Eyebrow Talk and the regulation of 'harmful fiction' in modern China Michel Hockx
women's journals through the prism of late Qing fiction Ellen Widmer
Part II. A Space of Their Own
The Woman's Journal, Generic Choice and the Making of Female Public Expression
writers and readers
constituting the space of women's journals Jennifer Scanlon
4. Radicalizing poetics
poetic practice in Women's World, 1904–1907 Grace Fong
5. Redefining female talent
The Women's Eastern Times, The Ladies' Journal, and the development of 'women's art' in China Doris Sung
6. Constituting the female subject
romantic fiction by women authors in Eyebrow Talk Jin-Zhu Huang
7. Rebellious yet constrained
dissenting women's views on love and sexual morality in The Ladies' Journal and New Woman Rachel Hsu
8. Voices of female educators in early twentieth-century women's magazines Siao-chen Hu
9. 'Room for improvement'
the ideal of the educational home in The Ladies' Journal Maria af Sandeberg
Part III. Gendered Space and Global Context
Foreign Models, Circulating Concepts and the Constitution of Female Subjectivities
Reflection lived and idealized self and other on the pages of the women's magazine Nathalie Cooke and Jennifer Garland
10. Competing conceptualizations of Guo (country, state, and/or nation-state) in late Qing women's journals Nanxiu Qian
11. Western heroines in late Qing women's journals
Meiji-Era writings on 'women's self-help' in China Xia Xiaohong
12. Foreign knowledge of bodies
Japanese sources, western science, and China's republican lady Joan Judge
13. 'Othering' the foreign other in Chinese women's magazines in the early twentieth century Paul Bailey
14. The new (wo)man and her/his others
foreigners on the pages of China's women's magazines Barbara Mittler
a space of their own? Concluding reflections Harriet Evans.