Working with Women and AIDS: Medical, Social and Counselling Issues

Working with Women and AIDS: Medical, Social and Counselling Issues

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Judy Bury, Sheena McLachlan, Val Morrison
Routledge, 03/12/1992
EAN 9780415076586, ISBN10: 0415076587

Hardcover, 176 pages, 21.4 x 14.2 x 1.8 cm
Language: English

Provides a unique and readable combination of up-to-date medical information, a discussion of social issues, personal accounts and practical advice about ways of working with women affected by HIV and AIDS.

'I welcome this book as a valuable account of the practical, policy and personal issues which have confronted women working with women, as the HIV epidemic has spread ... I am impressed and moved that several women who are HIV positive have had the courage to openly describe their feelings and personal needs. Their frank testimony, together with the authoritative commentary of so many of those who have pioneered special work on women and HIV/AIDS, make this a powerful document in the chronicle of AIDS.' - Margaret Jay, writing in the Preface