Introduction to Fungi
Extractive Industries and Ape Conservation (State of the Apes)
Biological Sequence Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids
Man and Animal in Severan Rome: The Literary Imagination of Claudius Aelianus (Greek Culture in the Roman World)
Coastal Wetlands of the World: Geology, Ecology, Distribution And Applications
Regenerative Pharmacology
The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 19, 1871
Biogeochemical Dynamics at Major River-Coastal Interfaces: Linkages with Global Change
Pleistocene History of the Lower Thames Valley
Animal Contests
The Ecology of Algae
Ocean Circulation: Wind-Driven and Thermohaline Processes
Ethical Problems and Genetics Practice: 19 (Cambridge Bioethics and Law, Series Number 19)
Cytokine Regulation of Humoral Immunity: Basic and Clinical Aspects
Motor Learning and Synaptic Plasticity in the Cerebellum
Biosimulation: Simulation of Living Systems (Cambridge Texts in Biomedical Engineering)
The Neurobiology of Australian Marsupials: Brain Evolution in the Other Mammalian Radiation
Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis
Evolutionary Developmental Biology of the Cerebral Cortex, No. 228 (Novartis Foundation Symposia)
Sodium Channels and Neuronal Hyperexcitability, No. 241 (Novartis Foundation Symposia)
The Molecular Control of Skeletogenesis (Novartis Foundation Symposia)
Ageing Vulnerability: Causes and Interventions, No. 235 (Novartis Foundation Symposia)
From Genome to Therapy: Integrating New Technologies with Drug Development, No. 229 (Novartis Foundation Symposia)
The Molecular Immunology of Complex Carbohydrates - 2: No. 2 (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)