Cognitive Neurorehabilitation: Evidence and Application
Essential Psychiatry
Social Phobia: An Interpersonal Approach
Pediatric and Adolescent Psychopharmacology: A Practical Manual for Pediatricians (Cambridge Clinical Guides)
Genes, Brain and Development: The Neurocognition of Genetic Disorders (Series for the International Neuropsychological Society)
Mental Health and Disasters
Bipolar II Disorder, Second Edition: Modelling, Measuring and Managing
A Concise Guide to Understanding Suicide: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology and Prevention
The Autism Spectrum: Scientific Foundations and Treatment (Cambridge Medicine (Hardcover))
Methodology in Evaluation of Psychiatric Treatment: Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Vienna 10–13 June 1981
Cerebellar Disorders: A Practical Approach to Diagnosis and Management
Severe Personality Disorders
Adolescent Substance Abuse: Research and Clinical Advances
Vascular Cognitive Impairment in Clinical Practice
The Recognition and Management of Early Psychosis, Second Edition: A Preventive Approach (Cambridge Medicine (Paperback))
Functional Psychiatric Disorders
The Spectrum of Psychotic Disorders: Neurobiology, Etiology and Pathogenesis
Health Psychology: A Critical Introduction
Comprehensive Psychiatry Review (Cambridge Medicine (Paperback))
Stress, the Brain and Depression
Down's Syndrome: Children Growing Up