Cities of God: The Bible and Archaeology in Nineteenth-Century Britain
Foundation Myths and Politics in Ancient Ionia (Cambridge Classical Studies)
The Muslim Empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals (New Approaches to Asian History, Series Number 5)
Women, Family, and Gender in Islamic Law: 03 (Themes in Islamic Law, Series Number 3)
Zionism and the Foundations of Israeli Diplomacy
The Mythology of Kingship in Neo-Assyrian Art
Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt 2 Volume Hardback Set (Cambridge Classical Studies)
The Archaeology of Greek and Roman Troy
The Climate of Rebellion in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire (Studies in Environment and History)
Turbulent Times?: Josephus and Scholarship on Judaea in the First Century CE (Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha Supplement)