Face-to-Face Communication over the Internet: Emotions in a Web of Culture, Language, and Technology (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)
The Economic Regulation of Broadcasting Markets: Evolving Technology and Challenges for Policy
Mechanisms and Games for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation
The Dynamics of Broadband Markets in Europe: Realizing the 2020 Digital Agenda
Print Culture in Early Modern France: Abraham Bosse and the Purposes of Print
A Philosophy of Cinematic Art
W.M.Thackery and the Mediated Text: Writing for Periodicals in the Mid-Nineteenth Century (The Nineteenth Century Series)
The Cambridge Companion to Football
Australian Television and International Mediascapes
Maximum Entropy, Information Without Probability and Complex Fractals: Classical and Quantum Approach (Fundamental Theories of Physics)
Music Criticism in Nineteenth-Century France: La Revue Et Gazette Musicale De Paris 1834-80
Advertising and Satirical Culture in the Romantic Period: 74 (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, Series Number 74)
Before George Eliot: Marian Evans and the Periodical Press: 88 (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Series Number 88)
Fiction and the American Literary Marketplace: The Role of Newspaper Syndicates in America, 18601900: The Role of Newspaper Syndicates in America, ... Studies in Publishing and Printing History)
Shakespeare and the Digital World: Redefining Scholarship and Practice
Women Writers and Journalists in the Nineteenth-Century South (Cambridge Studies on the American South)
The Myth of Presidential Representation
Shakespeare and the Digital World: Redefining Scholarship And Practice
Romantic Reformers and the Antislavery Struggle in the Civil War Era
European Integration and Political Conflict (Themes in European Governance)