The Cambridge Companion to Edward Albee (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
Performing Greek Comedy
The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Directing (Cambridge Introductions to Literature)
Slavery and Sentiment on the American Stage, 1787–1861: Lifting the Veil of Black: 27 (Cambridge Studies in American Theatre and Drama, Series Number 27)
Viewing America
Mask and Performance in Greek Tragedy: From Ancient Festival to Modern Experimentation
The Medieval European Stage, 500–1550 (Theatre in Europe: A Documentary History)
Players of Shakespeare v1: Essays in Shakespearean Performance by Twelve Players with the Royal Shakespeare Company
Expressionism and Modernism in the American Theatre: Bodies, Voices, Words: 21 (Cambridge Studies in American Theatre and Drama, Series Number 21)
Irony and the Modern Theatre (Cambridge Studies in Modern Theatre)
The Provincetown Players and the Culture of Modernity (Cambridge Studies in American Theatre and Drama, Series Number 23)
Feminist Views on the English Stage: Women Playwrights, 1990–2000 (Cambridge Studies in Modern Theatre)
The Cambridge Companion to British Theatre, 1730-1830 (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
The Performance of Nationalism (Cambridge Studies in Modern Theatre)
Theatre and Citizenship: The History of a Practice
Viewing America: Twenty-First-Century Television Drama