Modernism and Popular Music
A History of Theatre in Spain
Greek Tragic Style: Form, Language and Interpretation
Theatre, Culture and Temperance Reform in Nineteenth-Century America (Cambridge Studies in American Theatre and Drama)
Romantic and Revolutionary Theatre, 1789–1860 (Theatre in Europe: A Documentary History)
Schenker Studies 2: Cambridge Composer Studies
A History of Asian American Theatre: 26 (Cambridge Studies in American Theatre and Drama, Series Number 26)
The Films of Vincente Minnelli (Cambridge Film Classics)
German and Dutch Theatre, 1600–1848 (Theatre in Europe: A Documentary History)
Schoenberg and Redemption (New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism)
The Cambridge Introduction to Early Modern Drama, 1576–1642 (Cambridge Introductions to Literature)
Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazusae: Philosophizing Theatre and the Politics of Perception in Late Fifth-Century Athens (Cambridge Classical Studies)
Early Music History: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music: Volume 14 (Early Music History, Series Number 14)
Women and Race in Early Modern Texts
The Two Gentlemen of Verona (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
Jewry in Music: Entry to the Profession from the Enlightenment to Richard Wagner
Restoration Drama and 'The Circle of Commerce': Tragicomedy, Politics, and Trade in the Seventeenth Century
Images of Goethe Through Schiller's Egmont
Early American Women Critics: Performance, Religion, Race
Acts of Activism: Human Rights as Radical Performance (Theatre and Performance Theory)
Sexual Politics in the Work of Tennessee Williams: Desire Over Protest
Work and Play on the Shakespearean Stage