Dinosaur Impressions: Postcards from a Paleontologist
Factor Separation in the Atmosphere: Applications and Future Prospects
Genetics, Paleontology, and Macroevolution, Second Edition
Floods in a Changing Climate: Inundation Modelling (International Hydrology Series)
Hydroclimatology: Perspectives and Applications
Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Cold Regions
Geology of the United States' Seafloor: The View from GLORIA
Hydrology: An Introduction
Chemistry and the Environment
Floods in a Changing Climate: Hydrologic Modeling (International Hydrology Series)
River Discharge to the Coastal Ocean: A Global Synthesis
Remote Sensing of Landscapes with Spectral Images: A Physical Modeling Approach (Topics in Remote Sensing)
Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts of Biofuels: Evidence from Developing Nations
Climate Change, Ecology and Systematics: 78 (Systematics Association Special Volume Series, Series Number 78)
The Seismic Analysis Code: A Primer and User's Guide
Wind as a Geomorphic Agent in Cold Climates (Studies in Polar Research)
Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions
Global Energy Assessment: Toward a Sustainable Future
The Continental Drift Controversy (The Continental Drift Controversy 4 Volume Hardback Set)
The Principles and Practice of Geophysical Prospecting: Being The Report Of The Imperial Geophysical Experimental Survey
Rising Waters: The Causes and Consequences of Flooding in the United States
Biominerals and Fossils Through Time
Arid and Semi-Arid Geomorphology
The Climate Connection: Climate Change and Modern Human Evolution