Isolated Singularities in Partial Differential Inequalities (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications)
International Strategic Management and Government Policy
Principles of Embedded Networked Systems Design
The Dutch Revolt and Catholic Exile in Reformation Europe
Microarray Gene Expression: A Beginner's Guide
The Dynamics of Bureaucracy in the US Government: How Congress and Federal Agencies Process Information and Solve Problems
Islam in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan: The Morality of Experience
A Life-Centered Approach to Bioethics: Biocentric Ethics
Images of Goethe Through Schiller's Egmont
An Introduction to Climate Change Economics and Policy (Routledge Textbooks in Environmental and Agricultural Economics)
Organizational Encounters with Risk
Liberalism and the Economic Order: Volume 10, Part 2 (Social Philosophy and Policy)
Musical Response in the Early Modern Playhouse, 1603–1625
Indigenous Peoples, Poverty and Human Development in Latin America
Early American Women Critics: Performance, Religion, Race
Japan's Economic Dilemma: The Institutional Origins of Prosperity and Stagnation
Emergency Powers in Australia
Field Extensions and Galois Theory: 22 (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Series Number 22)
Commentary on the Constitution from Plato to Rousseau
Cellular and Molecular Events in Spermiogenesis
Pediatric Neurocritical Care
Literature and Race in Los Angeles (Cultural Margins, Series Number 8)
Physics of Electronic Materials: Principles and Applications
Force and Legitimacy in World Politics