Importing Madame Bovary: The Politics of Adultery
Emerging Concepts in Cardiology: Topics in Ischemic Heart Disease and Arrhythmias
Early Music History: Volume 27: Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Music (Early Music History, Series Number 27)
Stress, the Brain and Depression
China Calling: A Foot in the Global Door
The Evolution of Galaxies: I-Observational Clues
Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Institutional Choice and Global Commerce
Made for Good Purpose: What Every Parent Needs to Know to Help Their Adolescent with Asperger's, High Functioning Autism or a Learning Difference Become an Independent Adult
Contemporary Architecture in Eurasia: Bauten und Projekte in Russland und Kasachstan 2000 bis 2030
Storm Water Pollution Control: Municipal, Industrial and Construction NPDES Compliance (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING)
Does Immigration Increase Crime?: Migration Policy and the Creation of the Criminal Immigrant
Vocabulary in Language Teaching
History and the Culture of Nationalism in Algeria (Cambridge Middle East Studies)
The Business School and the Bottom Line
Rethinking Career Studies: Facilitating Conversation across Boundaries with the Social Chronology Framework
SEBS 28 Biochemistry of Plant Cell Walls (Society for Experimental Biology Seminar Series, Series Number 28)
The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God in South Africa: A Church of Strangers (The International African Library)
English Comparative Correlatives: Diachronic and Synchronic Variation at the Lexicon-Syntax Interface (Studies in English Language)
The Bible and Natural Philosophy in Renaissance Italy: Jewish and Christian Physicians in Search of Truth
Kazakhstan Linchpin of Eurasia
Transplantation Pathology Hardback with Online Resource
A Survey of the Principles and Practice of Wave Guides
Finite Precision Number Systems and Arithmetic: 133 (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, Series Number 133)