The Tragi-Comedy of Victorian Fatherhood: 65 (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Series Number 65)
Literature of the Holocaust
Economic and Social Rights in a Neoliberal World
One More Time: The Dal Richards Story
Play, Playfulness, Creativity and Innovation
Compact Sources of Ultrashort Pulses: 18 (Cambridge Studies in Modern Optics, Series Number 18)
Shaping Remembrance from Shakespeare to Milton
Groups, Rings and Algebras (Contemporary Mathematics)
Retrofitting Office Buildings to Be Green and Energy-Efficient: Optimizing Building Performance, Tenant Satisfaction, and Financial Return
The Liberal-Welfarist Law of Nations: A History of International Law
Nanotechnologies for Future Mobile Devices
The Least Examined Branch: The Role of Legislatures in the Constitutional State
New Frontiers in the Philosophy of Intellectual Property (Cambridge Intellectual Property and Information Law)
Latin America and the Global Economy: Export Trade and the Threat of Protectionism
The Cambridge Handbook of African Linguistics (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics)
Ladies of Lost Causes: Rehabilitation, Women Offenders and the Voluntary Sector
Logic, Thought and Language: 51 (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, Series Number 51)
Planetary Overload: Global Environmental Change and the Health of the Human Species
Days I Moved Through Ordinary Sounds: The Extraordinary Work of Writerscorp Teachers (City Lights Foundation): The Extraordinary Work of WritersCorps Teachers
A Primer on American Labor Law
Imaging Dopamine
Moral Reflection
Defect and Impurity Engineered Semiconductors and Devices: Volume 378 (MRS Proceedings)
Medical Audit