Miscellaneous Essays (Lamb Miscellaneous Essays; Pitt Press)
Corporate Friction: How Corporate Law Impedes American Progress and What to Do about It
Data-Intensive Computing
Das Bild des Kaisers: Novelle
Gruesome Deaths & Celibate Lives: Christian Martyrs and Ascetics (Greece and Rome Live)
Working Relationally in and across Practices: A Cultural-Historical Approach to Collaboration
Confronting Cyber-Bullying: What Schools Need to Know to Control Misconduct and Avoid Legal Consequences
Under the Table
A Concise History of the United States of America (Cambridge Concise Histories)
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics in One Dimension (Cambridge Lecture Notes in Physics)
Henry James in Context (Literature in Context)
Changing Conceptions of National Biography: The Oxford DNB in Historical Perspective
Sovereign Assets and Liabilities Management: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Hong Kong SAR
The Virtuous Life in Greek Ethics
Domain Conditions in Social Choice Theory
Empire, Authority, and Autonomy in Achaemenid Anatolia
Politics and Value in English Studies: A Discipline in Crisis?
Modernism and the Culture of Market Society
The Politics of Justice in European Private Law: Social Justice, Access Justice, Societal Justice (Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy)
Fed Up: Winning the War Against Childhood Obesity
Bullish on Uncertainty: How Organizational Cultures Transform Participants
Maharajah of the Road: Bollywood to Jodhpur - a Different Way to Drive
Worker Absenteeism and Sick Pay
Frontman: Surviving The Rock Star Myth