Abelian Varieties, Theta Functions and the Fourier Transform (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)
An Introduction to Involutive Structures: 6 (New Mathematical Monographs, Series Number 6)
Combinatorics of Minuscule Representations: 199 (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, Series Number 199)
Fundamentals of Hyperbolic Manifolds: Selected Expositions: 328 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 328)
Induced Representations of Locally Compact Groups: 197 (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, Series Number 197)
Introduction to Vertex Operator Superalgebras and Their Modules (Mathematics and Its Applications)
LMS: 178 Lower K- and L- Theory (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)
Typical Dynamics of Volume Preserving Homeomorphisms (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)