'Counterfeiting' Shakespeare: Evidence, Authorship, and John Ford's Funerall Elegye
A Chronology of Jane Austen and her Family
A History of Women's Writing in Italy
Adversaria, Volume 1 (Cambridge Library Collection - Classics)
Advertising and Satirical Culture in the Romantic Period: 74 (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, Series Number 74)
American Literary Realism, Critical Theory, and Intellectual Prestige, 1880ÔÇô1995 (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)
An Experiment in Criticism (Canto Classics)
Ancestral Fault in Ancient Greece
Anglo-American Interplay in Recent Drama
Anglo-Saxon England: Volume 37 (Anglo-Saxon England, Series Number 37)
Archaic Style in English Literature, 1590-1674
Aristophanes' Thesmophoriazusae: Philosophizing Theatre and the Politics of Perception in Late Fifth-Century Athens (Cambridge Classical Studies)
August Strindberg: Selected Essays
Authors to Themselves: Milton and the Revelation of History (Studies in Interdisciplinary History)
Blake, Kierkegaard, and the Spectre of Dialectic
Boris Pasternak
British Fiction and the Production of Social Order, 1740ÔÇô1830 (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism)
British Modernism and Censorship
Byron's War: Romantic Rebellion, Greek Revolution
C Comp to American Women Playwright (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
Captain Of Mary Rose Ssf V2: Future War Novels of the 1890s: Great War in England 1897 by W.L.Queux Vol 2 (Sources of Science Fiction)
Catullus and the Poetics of Roman Manhood
Chaucer and Language: Essays in Honour of Douglas Wurtele
Citizen and Self in Ancient Greece: Individuals Performing Justice and the Law