'Counterfeiting' Shakespeare: Evidence, Authorship, and John Ford's Funerall Elegye
Archaic Style in English Literature, 1590-1674
As You Like It (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
King Henry V (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
King Richard III (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
Looking for Sex in Shakespeare
Measure for Measure (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
NCS: Timon of Athens (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
Reading Class through Shakespeare, Donne, and Milton
Romeo and Juliet: Romeo and Juliet 2ed (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
Service and Dependency in Shakespeare's Plays
Shakespeare and Dickens: The Dynamics of Influence
Shakespeare and Modernism
Shakespeare Survey: A Sixty-Year Cumulative Index
Shakespeare Survey: Volume 59, Editing Shakespeare (Shakespeare Survey, Series Number 59)
Shakespeare, 'A Lover's Complaint', and John Davies of Hereford
The Tempest (The New Cambridge Shakespeare)
Work and Play on the Shakespearean Stage