A Biblical Itinerary: In Search of Method, Form and Content - Essays in Honor of George W.Coats (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Between Sheol and Temple: Study of the Motif Structure and Function of the I-Psalms (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Concentricity and Continuity: Literary Study of the Book of Isaiah: No. 188. (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement S.)
Conflict in the Miracle Stories: A Socio-exegetical Study of Matthew 8 and 9 (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement)
Crisis and Continuity: Time in the Gospel of Mark (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement)
David, Solomon and Egypt: A Reassessment (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Divine Prerogative and Royal Pretension: Pragmatics, Poetics and Polemics in a Narrative Sequence About David (2 Samuel 5.17-7.29) (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Eschatology in the Bible and in Jewish and Christian Tradition: No. 243. (The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies)
Esther in Ancient Jewish Thought
Goulder and the Gospels: An Examination of a New Paradigm (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement)
Heavenly Priesthood in the Apocalypse of Abraham
Introduction to the Old Testament (Introduction to Religion)
Isaiah 34-35: A Nightmare/A Dream (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement S.)
Israel in the Book of Kings: The Past as a Project of Social Identity (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Literary Approach to the Book of the Covenant (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Nahum (Readings: A New Biblical Commentary)
Narrative Art, Political Rhetoric: Case of Athaliah and Joash (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
On the Way to Canon: Creative Tradition History in the Old Testament (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Paradoxes of Paradise: Identity and Difference in the "Song of Songs" (Bible & Literature)
Priests, Prophets and Scribes: Essays on the Formation and Heritage of Second Temple Judaism in Honour of Joseph Blenkinsopp (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Prophecy, Poetry and Hosea (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Reading Hosea in Achaemenid Yehud (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Revelation (Readings)
Sign, Text, Scripture: Semiotics and the Bible (Interventions)