Reminiscence and Re-creation in Contemporary American Fiction
Renaissance Woman: A Sourcebook - Constructions of Femininity in England
Representing Elizabeth in Stuart England: Literature, History, Sovereignty
Restoration Drama and 'The Circle of Commerce': Tragicomedy, Politics, and Trade in the Seventeenth Century
Restoration Plays and Players: An Introduction
Roman Republican Theatre
Romantic and Revolutionary Theatre, 1789–1860 (Theatre in Europe: A Documentary History)
Romantic Atheism
Romantic Vagrancy: Wordsworth and the Simulation of Freedom (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism)
Romanticism and Popular Culture in Britain and Ireland
Romanticism and Slave Narratives: Transatlantic Testimonies: 38 (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, Series Number 38)
Romanticism and the Emotions
Romanticism and the Human Sciences: Poetry, Population, and the Discourse of the Species: 41 (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism, Series Number 41)
Romanticism, Revolution and Language: The Fate of the Word from Samuel Johnson to George Eliot
Rumour and Renown: Representations of Fama in Western Literature (Cambridge Classical Studies)
Samuel Johnson in Context (Literature in Context)
Samuel Weber: Acts of Reading
Schoenberg's Twelve-Tone Music: Symmetry and the Musical Idea (Music since 1900)
Shakespeare and Dickens: The Dynamics of Influence
Shakespeare and Modernism
Shakespeare in the Nineteenth Century
Shakespeare Performance Studies
Shakespeare Survey: Volume 59, Editing Shakespeare (Shakespeare Survey, Series Number 59)
Shakespeare Survey: Volume 62, Close Encounters with Shakespeare's Text (Shakespeare Survey, Series Number 62)