Destiny or Chance: Our Solar System and its Place in the Cosmos
How to Divide When There Isn't Enough: From Aristotle, the Talmud, and Maimonides to the Axiomatics of Resource Allocation: 62 (Econometric Society Monographs, Series Number 62)
A Sociology of Transnational Constitutions: Social Foundations of the Post-National Legal Structure (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society)
Geographical Indications at the Crossroads of Trade, Development, and Culture: Focus on Asia-Pacific
Democracies in Peril: Taxation and Redistribution in Globalizing Economies
Warning about War: Conflict, Persuasion and Foreign Policy
The Science of Polymer Molecules (Cambridge Solid State Science Series)
After Foucault: Culture, Theory, and Criticism in the 21st Century (After Series)
German Science in the Age of Empire: Enterprise, Opportunity and the Schlagintweit Brothers (Science in History)
Time and Narrative in Ancient Historiography: The ‘Plupast' from Herodotus to Appian
Talking about Life: Conversations on Astrobiology
The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Typology (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics)
America's Climate Problem: The Way Forward
Ancient Egypt Investigated: 101 Important Questions and Intriguing Answers
Opposing the Rule of Law (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society)
Matrix Calculus and Zero-One Matrices: Statistical and Econometric Applications
Fundamentals of Guided-Wave Optoelectronic Devices
Fan-tastic Sporting Stories! 300 True Tales of Fans Who Stole The Spotlight
A Dead Man Out of Mind
Economic Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region
Coups, Rivals, and the Modern State: Why Rural Coalitions Matter in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Life of Saint Helia: Critical Edition, Translation, Introduction, and Commentary (Oxford Early Christian Texts)
Pro DLR in .NET 4 (Expert's Voice in .NET)
YB 2011 ANESTHES & PAIN MGMT: Volume 2011 (Year Books)