The Cambridge Economic History of the Greco-Roman World
The City in the Roman West, c.250 BC–c.AD 250
The Consul at Rome: The Civil Functions of the Consuls in the Roman Republic
The Demography of Roman Italy: Population Dynamics in an Ancient Conquest Society 201 BCE–14 CE
The Grain Market in the Roman Empire: A Social, Political and Economic Study
The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest: A Selection of Ancient Sources in Translation
The Lure of the Arena
The Lure of the Arena: Social Psychology and the Crowd at the Roman Games
The Roman Wedding: Ritual and Meaning in Antiquity
The Sense of Sight in Rabbinic Culture: Jewish Ways of Seeing in Late Antiquity (Greek Culture in the Roman World)
War, Peace, and Alliance in Demosthenes' Athens