Paternalism: Theory and Practice
Path Integrals and Hamiltonians: Principles and Methods
Paths to International Justice: Social and Legal Perspectives (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society)
Peace Diplomacy, Global Justice and International Agency: Rethinking Human Security and Ethics in the Spirit of Dag Hammarskjöld
Peace Treaties and International Law in European History: From the Late Middle Ages to World War One
Personality Rights in European Tort Law (The Common Core of European Private Law)
Perspectives in Company Law and Financial Regulation: Essays in Honour of Eddy Wymeersch (International Corporate Law and Financial Market Regulation)
Perspectives on Global Change: The TARGETS Approach
Perspectives on Labour Law (Law in Context)
Planning, Politics and Public Policy: The British, French and Italian Experience
Policy-Making and Diversity in Europe: Escape from Deadlock (Theories of Institutional Design)
Political Parties, Games and Redistribution
Poor Relief and Welfare in Germany from the Reformation to World War I
Popular Governance of Post-Conflict Reconstruction: The Role of International Law (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law)
Portfolio Management under Stress: A Bayesian-Net Approach to Coherent Asset Allocation
Portfolio Theory and Risk Management (Mastering Mathematical Finance)
Post-Kyoto International Climate Policy
Powers (Property & Conveyancing Library)
Precedents and Case-Based Reasoning in the European Court of Justice: Unfinished Business
Precontractual Liability in European Private Law (The Common Core of European Private Law)
Primate Tourism: A Tool for Conservation?
Principled Negotiation and Mediation in the International Arena: Talking with Evil
Principles of Contemporary Corporate Governance
Principles of the Institutional Law of International Organizations (Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law, Series Number 36)