Fairness and Validation in Language Assessment: Selected Papers from the 19th Language Testing Research Colloquium, Orlando, Florida (Studies in Language Testing)
Gender, Rhetoric, and Print Culture in French Renaissance Writing (Cambridge Studies in French)
Hellenistic and Biblical Greek: A Graduated Reader
Hipertension Clinica
In Other Words
Inheritance Defaults (Studies in Natural Language Processing)
Jean Rhys: 7 (Cambridge Studies in African and Caribbean Literature, Series Number 7)
Language and Gender
Language Typology and Syntactic Description: Complex Constructions (Language Typology & Syntactic Description)
Linguistics: An Introduction
Locality in WH Quantification: Questions and Relative Clauses in Hindi (Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy)
Markedness: Reduction and Preservation in Phonology: 112 (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics, Series Number 112)
Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs
Miguel Angel Asturias's Archeology of Return (Cambridge Studies in Latin American and Iberian Literature)
Reading Greek: Greek Vocabulary
Reading Greek: Morphology Charts
Romani: A Linguistic Introduction
Russian by Subjects (Russian Studies)
Social Variation and the Latin Language
Standard Arabic Student's book: An Advanced Course
Studies in Contemporary Phrase Structure Grammar
Syntactic Variation: The Dialects of Italy
Tacitus: Annals Book IV
The Cambridge Companion to Saussure