New Pathways in Inorganic Chemistry
NMR Studies of Translational Motion
Nonlinear PDE's in Condensed Matter and Reactive Flows: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on PDEs in Models of Superfluidity, ... 3 July 1999 (Nato Science Series C: (closed))
Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineering: Applications in MATLAB
Organic Reactions and Orbital Symmetry (Cambridge Texts in Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Phase Transitions in Materials
Phosphoric Anhydride: Structure Chemistry and Applications
Physical and Non-Physical Methods of Solving Crystal Structures
Planning Algorithms
Plasma Chemistry
Polymer Characterization: 148 (Macromolecular Symposia)
Polymers in Dispersed Media (Macromolecular Symposia)
Principles of Chemical Separations with Environmental Applications (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Principles of Quantum Mechanics: As Applied to Chemistry and Chemical Physics
Productivity and Performance in the Paper Industry: Labour, Capital and Technology in Britain and America, 1860–1914 (Cambridge Studies in Modern Economic History, Series Number 4)
Prostanoids: Pharmacological, Physiological and Clinical Relevance
Protein Condensation: Kinetic Pathways to Crystallization and Disease
Protein Folding Handbook: 5 Volume Set
Quantitative Textural Measurements in Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology
Radioactive Aerosols: 3 (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction
Saponins (Chemistry and Pharmacology of Natural Products)
Science and Civilisation in China, Part 7, Military Technology: The Gunpowder Epic: 5