The England of Piers Plowman: William Langland and his Vision of the Fourteenth Century
The First French Reformation: Church Reform and the Origins of the Old Regime
The Image of St Francis: Responses to Sainthood in the Thirteenth Century
The Inquisition: A Global History 1478-1834 (Past and Present Publications)
The Making of the Modern Canon: Genesis and Crisis of a Literary Idea (Vision, Division & Revision: the Athlone Series on Canons)
The Making of the Monastic Community of Fulda, c.744ÔÇôc.900 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series)
The Monks of Tiron: A Monastic Community and Religious Reform in the Twelfth Century
The New Testament Among the Writings of Antiquity (Biblical Seminar)
The Open Book and the Sealed Book: Jeremiah 32 in Its Hebrew and Greek Recensions (Journal for the study of the New Testament)
The Orphan Gospel (Biblical Seminar)
The Poetry of Religious Sorrow in Early Modern England
The Reformation of the English Parish Church
The Temptation of Jesus in Early Christianity (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement)
The Theology of the Book of Jeremiah (Old Testament Theology)
The Wages of Sin: Reappraisal of the Succession Narrative (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement)
Women and Religious Writing in Early Modern England
Women Saints: Lives of Faith and Courage
Women's Poetry and Religion in Victorian England: Jewish Identity and Christian Culture (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture)
Zechariah (Readings: A New Biblical Commentary)