Making History in Banda: Anthropological Visions of Africa's Past (New Studies in Archaeology)
Martial Power and Elizabethan Political Culture: Military Men in England and Ireland, 1558–1594 (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern British History)
Medieval Domesticity: Home, Housing and Household in Medieval England
Modernism and Time: The Logic of Abundance in Literature, Science, and Culture, 1880–1930
Modernism, the Visual, and Caribbean Literature
Modernity and Bourgeois Life: Society, Politics, and Culture in England, France and Germany since 1750
Monarchy, Myth, and Material Culture in Germany 1750–1950 (New Studies in European History)
Nobility and Kingship in Medieval England: The Earls and Edward I, 1272–1307: 91 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series, Series Number 91)
Peelers to Pandas: An Illustrated History of the Leicester City Police
Poor Relief and Welfare in Germany from the Reformation to World War I
Print Culture in Early Modern France: Abraham Bosse and the Purposes of Print
Prosperity and Plunder: European Catholic Monasteries in the Age of Revolution, 1650–1815
Religious Pluralism and Values in the Public Sphere
Renaissance Woman: A Sourcebook - Constructions of Femininity in England
Russia's Cotton Workers and the New Economic Policy: Shop-Floor Culture and State Policy, 1921-1929: 69 (Cambridge Russian, Soviet and Post-Soviet Studies, Series Number 69)
Science and Civilisation in China, Part 7, Military Technology: The Gunpowder Epic: 5
Scylla: Myth, Metaphor, Paradox
Sex and the Family in Colonial India: The Making of Empire (Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society)
Sex, Freedom, and Power in Imperial Germany, 1880–1914
The Barbarians of Ancient Europe: Realities and Interactions
The Cambridge Companion to Modern Russian Culture (Cambridge Companions to Culture)
The Cartographic Eye: How Explorers Saw Australia
The Challenge of Grand Strategy: The Great Powers and the Broken Balance between the World Wars
The England of Piers Plowman: William Langland and his Vision of the Fourteenth Century