Deviant Modernism: Sexual and Textual Errancy in T.S Eliot, James Joyce, and Marcel Proust
Dickens, Novel Reading, and the Victorian Popular Theatre (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture)
Drama and Ideology in Modern Israel
Dramatic Works Beaumont Fletcher v4: Volume 4, the Woman's Prize, Bonduca, Valentinian, Monsieur Thomas, the Chances
Early American Women Critics: Performance, Religion, Race
Epic and Empire in Nineteenth-Century Britain: 52 (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Series Number 52)
Ethical Joyce
Ethics and Narrative in the English Novel, 1880ÔÇô1914
Family, Kinship, and Sympathy in Nineteenth-Century American Literature (Cambridge Studies in American Literature & Culture) (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)
Fiction and the American Literary Marketplace: The Role of Newspaper Syndicates in America, 18601900: The Role of Newspaper Syndicates in America, ... Studies in Publishing and Printing History)
Formalism, Experience, and the Making of American Literature in the Nineteenth Century: 153 (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture, Series Number 153)
Gender, Rhetoric, and Print Culture in French Renaissance Writing (Cambridge Studies in French)
Genealogies of the Text: Literature, Psychoanalysis, and Politics in Modern France: 54 (Cambridge Studies in French, Series Number 54)
German and Dutch Theatre, 1600–1848 (Theatre in Europe: A Documentary History)
Greek Tragic Style: Form, Language and Interpretation
H.D. and Sapphic Modernism 19101950
Hélène Cixous: Critical Impressions (LIT Book)
Ideology and Utopia in the Poetry of William Blake (Cambridge Studies in Romanticism)
Images of Goethe Through Schiller's Egmont
Imagining Equality in Nineteenth-Century American Literature (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)
Jane Austen and the Theatre
Jean Rhys: 7 (Cambridge Studies in African and Caribbean Literature, Series Number 7)
Jews in Russian Literature after the October Revolution: Writers and Artists between Hope and Apostasy (Cambridge Studies in Russian Literature)
Joyce, Race and 'Finnegans Wake'