Experimental Auctions: Methods and Applications in Economic and Marketing Research (Quantitative Methods for Applied Economics and Business Research)
Extreme Natural Hazards, Disaster Risks and Societal Implications (Special Publications of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics)
Facets of Social Geography: International and Indian Perspectives
Fast Multipole Boundary Element Method
Fed-Batch Cultures: Principles and Applications of Semi-Batch Bioreactors (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems: Ecology, Evolution and Management
Floods in a Changing Climate: Extreme Precipitation (International Hydrology Series)
Flow, Deformation and Fracture: Lectures on Fluid Mechanics and the Mechanics of Deformable Solids for Mathematicians and Physicists: 49 (Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, Series Number 49)
Forests and Global Change (Ecological Reviews)
Forests, Water and People in the Humid Tropics: Past, Present and Future Hydrological Research for Integrated Land and Water Management (International Hydrology Series)
Frontiers of Astrobiology
Fundamental Planetary Science: Physics, Chemistry and Habitability
Fundamentals of Geophysics
Fundamentals of Guided-Wave Optoelectronic Devices
Fundamentals of Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability
Funding your Career in Science
Games of No Chance 3 (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications)
Gene Cloning and Manipulation
Geochemical Rate Models
Geographical Information Systems in Archaeology (Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology)
Geological Fluid Dynamics: Sub-surface Flow and Reactions
Geomorphology: The Mechanics and Chemistry of Landscapes