Technological and Medical Implications of Metabolic Control Analysis: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Visegard, Hungary, 10-16 ... Science Partnership Subseries: 3 (closed))
Telecommunication Network Economics: From Theory to Applications
Testing of Metals for Structures: Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop: Workshop Proceedings (RILEM Proceedings)
The Agri-Environment
The Allocation of Regulatory Competence in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy)
The Business of Healthcare Innovation
The Chemistry and Aplication of Amino Crosslinking Agents or Aminoplasts (v. 4) (Waterborne & Solvent Based Surface Coatings Resins & Applications)
The Correspondence between Sir George Gabriel Stokes and Sir William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs: v. 1 & 2
The Diatoms
The Dynamics of Broadband Markets in Europe: Realizing the 2020 Digital Agenda
The Entrepreneurial Engineer: How To Create Value From Ideas
The Ethics of Inheritable Genetic Modification: A Dividing Line?
The Evolution of Galaxies: I-Observational Clues
The Evolving Science of Grassland Improvement
The Global Workplace: International and Comparative Employment Law - Cases and Materials
The Golem, Second Edition: What You Should Know About Science (Canto Classics)
The Handbook of Medical Image Perception and Techniques
The History of Global Climate Governance
The International Climate Change Regime: A Guide to Rules, Institutions and Procedures
The Local Group as an Astrophysical Laboratory: Proceedings of the Space Telescope Science Institute Symposium, held in Baltimore, Maryland May 5–8, ... Institute Symposium Series, Series Number 17)
The Magnetotelluric Method: Theory and Practice
The Martian Surface: Composition, Mineralogy and Physical Properties (Cambridge Planetary Science)
The Material World
The Mathematical Foundations of Mixing: The Linked Twist Map as a Paradigm in Applications: Micro to Macro, Fluids to Solids: 22 (Cambridge Monographs ... Computational Mathematics, Series Number 22)