Fed-Batch Cultures: Principles and Applications of Semi-Batch Bioreactors (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
Filtering Complex Turbulent Systems
Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems: Ecology, Evolution and Management
FiWi Access Networks
Flow, Deformation and Fracture: Lectures on Fluid Mechanics and the Mechanics of Deformable Solids for Mathematicians and Physicists: 49 (Cambridge Texts in Applied Mathematics, Series Number 49)
Focused Ion Beam Systems
Foundations of Signal Processing
Fracture and Damage of Concrete and Rock - FDCR-2
From Genome to Therapy: Integrating New Technologies with Drug Development, No. 229 (Novartis Foundation Symposia)
Fundamentals and Applications of Micro- and Nanofibers
Fundamentals of Digital Imaging
Fundamentals of Electro-Optic Systems Design: Communications, Lidar, and Imaging
Fundamentals of Geophysics
Fundamentals of Guided-Wave Optoelectronic Devices
Fundamentals of Materials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability
Fundamentals of Voice-Quality Engineering in Wireless Networks
Funding your Career in Science
Gene Cloning and Manipulation
General Continuum Mechanics
Genetic Data and the Law: A Critical Perspective on Privacy Protection (Cambridge Bioethics and Law, Series Number 16)
Genomes, Browsers and Databases: Data-Mining Tools for Integrated Genomic Databases
Global Energy Justice: Problems, Principles, and Practices
Graphene: Carbon in Two Dimensions
Gravitation: Foundations and Frontiers