Structural Nanocrystalline Materials: Fundamentals and Applications
Structure of Materials: An Introduction to Crystallography, Diffraction and Symmetry
Survivability and Traffic Grooming in WDM Optical Networks
Switching and Finite Automata Theory
TCP/IP Essentials: A Lab-Based Approach
Technische Projekte
Telecommunication Network Economics: From Theory to Applications
Testing of Metals for Structures: Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop: Workshop Proceedings (RILEM Proceedings)
Texture and Anisotropy: Preferred Orientations in Polycrystals and their Effect on Materials Properties
The Agri-Environment
The Cambridge Aerospace Dictionary, Second Edition (Cambridge Aerospace Series)
The Chemistry and Aplication of Amino Crosslinking Agents or Aminoplasts (v. 4) (Waterborne & Solvent Based Surface Coatings Resins & Applications)
The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits
The Diatoms
The Entrepreneurial Engineer: How To Create Value From Ideas
The Geometrical Language of Continuum Mechanics
The Handbook of Personal Area Networking Technologies and Protocols
The International Climate Change Regime: A Guide to Rules, Institutions and Procedures
The Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Continua
The MOS System
The Physics of Low-dimensional Semiconductors: An Introduction
The Potential Distribution Theorem and Models of Molecular Solutions