Biomedical Engineering for Global Health (Cambridge Texts in Biomedical Engineering)
Biosimulation: Simulation of Living Systems (Cambridge Texts in Biomedical Engineering)
Brain-Computer Interfacing: An Introduction
Buoyancy Effects on Natural Ventilation
Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research
Cellular Mechanotransduction: Diverse Perspectives from Molecules to Tissues
Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties (Cambridge Solid State Science Series)
Chemical Engineering: An Introduction (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
Chemical Product Design (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
Chemistry of Fossil Fuels and Biofuels (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
Classical and Quantum Information Theory: An Introduction for the Telecom Scientist
Climate Change 2013 – The Physical Science Basis: Working Group I Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Climate Variability, Climate Change and Social Vulnerability in the Semi-arid Tropics (International Hydrology Series)
Coastal Conservation: 19 (Conservation Biology, Series Number 19)
Coastal Processes Engineering Appln
Coastal Wetlands of the World: Geology, Ecology, Distribution And Applications
Coastal Wetlands of the World: Geology, Ecology, Distribution and Applications
Coexistence in Wireless Networks: Challenges and System-Level Solutions in the Unlicensed Bands
Cognitive Dynamic Systems: Perception-action Cycle, Radar and Radio
Colloidal Suspension Rheology (Cambridge Series in Chemical Engineering)
Colonial Technology: Science and the Transfer of Innovation to Australia (Studies in Australian History)
Combustion Physics
Communication Networks: An Optimization, Control, and Stochastic Networks Perspective