Property and Political Order in Africa: Land Rights and the Structure of Politics (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Psychology and Catholicism: Contested Boundaries
Rebels within the Ranks: Psychologists' Critique of Scientific Authority and Democratic Realities in New Deal America (Cambridge Studies in the History of Psychology)
Recovering Liberties: Indian Thought in the Age of Liberalism and Empire: 100 (Ideas in Context, Series Number 100)
Reinventing the Left in the Global South
Representation through Taxation: Revenue, Politics, and Development in Postcommunist States (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
Restoring the Image: Religion and Society - Essays in Honour of David Martin (Lincoln Studies in Religion & Society)
Samuel Weber: Acts of Reading
Science and Civilisation in China, Part 7, Military Technology: The Gunpowder Epic: 5
Searching for Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Essays in the Philosophy of Conservation Biology (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology)
Securities against Misrule: Juries, Assemblies, Elections
Stanley Fish on Philosophy, Politics and Law: How Fish Works
Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy
The American Constitution and the Debate Over Originalism
The Cambridge History of Nineteenth-Century Political Thought (The Cambridge History of Political Thought)
The Cambridge Textbook of Bioethics
The Correspondence between Sir George Gabriel Stokes and Sir William Thomson, Baron Kelvin of Largs: v. 1 & 2
The History of Global Climate Governance
The Legacies of Law: Long-run Consequences of Legal Development in South Africa, 1652-2000
The New American Cultural Sociology (Cambridge Cultural Social Studies)
The Philosophy of Psychology
The Politics of Scientific Advice: Institutional Design for Quality Assurance
The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East
The State and Justice: An Essay in Political Theory