Science and Civilisation in China, Part 7, Military Technology: The Gunpowder Epic: 5
Scientific Papers: Mainly On Electrodynamics And Radiation
Scylla: Myth, Metaphor, Paradox
Securities against Misrule: Juries, Assemblies, Elections
Selections from the Smuts Papers: Vol. V: September 1919-November 1934: September 1919-November 1934 v. 5
Selections from the Smuts Papers: Vol. VI: December 1934-August 1945: Volume 6, December 1934-August 1945
Semi-Citizenship in Democratic Politics
Service and Dependency in Shakespeare's Plays
Settling the Earth: The Archaeology Of Deep Human History
Sex and the Family in Colonial India: The Making of Empire (Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society)
Shakespeare and Modernism
Shipsheds of the Ancient Mediterranean
Slave Emancipation and Racial Attitudes in Nineteenth-Century South Africa
Social Complexity in Prehistoric Eurasia
Social Networks and Regional Identity in Bronze Age Italy
Social Zooarchaeology: Humans and Animals in Prehistory
State Pilgrims and Sacred Observers in Ancient Greece: A Study of The?ri?and The?roi
State, Faith, and Nation in Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Lands
Staying Roman: Conquest and Identity in Africa and the Mediterranean, 439–700: 82 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series, Series Number 82)
Stone Vessels and Values in the Bronze Age Mediterranean
Studies in Scottish Church History (Old Testament Studies Series)
Such Men as Billy the Kid: The Lincoln County War Reconsidered
Templar Families: Landowning Families and the Order of the Temple in France, c.1120–1307: 79 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series, Series Number 79)