Euripides: Iphigenia in Tauris (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
Europe after Enlargement
Europe and the Maritime World: A Twentieth-Century History
Europe's Common Security and Defence Policy: Capacity-Building, Experiential Learning, and Institutional Change
Europe's Crisis, Europe's Future
Europe's Foreign and Security Policy: The Institutionalization of Cooperation (Themes in European Governance)
Europe's Migration Crisis: Border Deaths and Human Dignity
European and International Media Law
European Broadcasting Law and Policy (Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy)
European Colonialism since 1700 (New Approaches to European History)
European Company Law
European Competition Forum: Exclusive and Selective Distribution (European Law)
European Constitutionalism beyond the State
European Environmental Law
European Forests and Global Change: The Likely Impacts of Rising CO2 and Temperature
European Integration and Political Conflict (Themes in European Governance)
European Landscapes in Transition: Implications for Policy and Practice (Cambridge Studies in Landscape Ecology)
European Language Matters: English in Its European Context
European Warfare 1350–1750
Euros and Europeans: Monetary Integration and the European Model of Society
Evacuation of Sediments from Reservoirs
Evaluating Family Support: Thinking Internationally, Thinking Critically (Wiley Child Protection & Policy Series): 3
Evaluating Health Risks: An Economic Approach