Freedom Seekers: Fugitive Slaves in North America, 1800–1860 (Cambridge Studies on the American South)
Freedom's Captives: Slavery and Gradual Emancipation on the Colombian Black Pacific (Afro-Latin America)
Freedom's Crescent: The Civil War and the Destruction of Slavery in the Lower Mississippi Valley (Cambridge Studies on the American South)
French Anti-Slavery: The Movement for the Abolition of Slavery in France, 1802–1848
French Books of Hours: Making an Archive of Prayer, c.1400–1600
French Legal Cultures (Law in Context)
Freshwater Mussel Propagation for Restoration
Freshwater Nematodes: Ecology and Taxonomy (Cabi Publishing)
Freud and Religion: Advancing the Dialogue (Cambridge Studies in Religion, Philosophy, and Society)
Freud, Jung, and Jonah: Religion and the Birth of the Psychoanalytic Periodical
Frisch: "Andorra": No. 2 (Critical Guides to German Texts)
From Africa to Brazil: Culture, Identity, and an Atlantic Slave Trade, 1600–1830: 113 (African Studies, Series Number 113)
From Apology to Utopia: The Structure of International Legal Argument
From Asian to Global Financial Crisis: An Asian Regulator's View of Unfettered Finance in the 1990s and 2000s
From Benito Mussolini to Hugo Chavez: Intellectuals and a Century of Political Hero Worship
From Birth to Five Years: Children's Developmental Progress
From Capital Surges to Drought: Seeking Stability for Emerging Economies (Studies in Development Economics and Policy)
From Chaos To Care: The Promise Of Team-based Medicine
From Civil Strife to Peace Building: Examining Private Sector Involvement in West African Reconstruction (Studies in International Governance)
From Cooperation to Complicity: Degussa in the Third Reich
From Crisis to Confidence: Macro-Economics After the Crash (Hobart Papers): 175
From Current Algebra to Quantum Chromodynamics: A Case for Structural Realism
From Empire to Nation State: Ethnic Politics in China