Homogeneous Ordered Graphs, Metrically Homogeneous Graphs, and Beyond: Volume 1, Ordered Graphs and Distanced Graphs: 53 (Lecture Notes in Logic, Series Number 53)
Homological Methods in Banach Space Theory: 203 (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Series Number 203)
Homological Theory of Representations: 195 (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Series Number 195)
Homology Theory on Algebraic Varieties (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Honor and Shame in Early China
Hooked: How Politics Captures People's Interest
Hope and Christian Ethics (New Studies in Christian Ethics)
Horace: Satires Book II (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)
Hormones and Pregnancy: Basic Science and Clinical Implications
Hortus Kewensis: Or, a Catalogue of the Plants Cultivated in the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew: Volume 1 (Cambridge Library Collection - Botany and Horticulture)
Hostage Spaces of the Contemporary Islamicate World: Phantom Territoriality (Suspensions: Contemporary Middle Eastern and Islamicate Thought)
House and Society in the Ancient Greek World (New Studies in Archaeology)
House on Fire
Housing in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Material and Textual Approaches
How Autocrats Compete: Parties, Patrons, and Unfair Elections in Africa
How Children Learn to be Healthy (Cambridge Studies on Child and Adolescent Health)
How Communities Build Stronger Schools: Stories, Strategies and Promising Practices for Educating Every Child
How Dictatorships Work: Power, Personalization, and Collapse
How Euler Did It (Spectrum)
How Humans Learn to Think Mathematically: Exploring the Three Worlds of Mathematics (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives)
How Insurgency Begins: Rebel Group Formation in Uganda and Beyond (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)
How Mediation Works: Resolving Conflict Through Talk (Studies in Interactional Sociolinguistics)
How Novelty and Narratives Drive the Stock Market: Black Swans, Animal Spirits and Scapegoats (Studies in New Economic Thinking)
How Psychologists Failed: We Neglected the Poor and Minorities, Favored the Rich and Privileged, and Got Science Wrong (Progressive Psychology)