Imagining Reperformance in Ancient Culture: Studies in the Traditions of Drama and Lyric (Cambridge Classical Studies)
Imagining the Chorus in Augustan Poetry
Imagining Xerxes (Bloomsbury Studies in Classical Reception): Ancient Perspectives on a Persian King: 1
Immigrant Incorporation in East Asian Democracies
Immigration and American Democracy: Subverting the Rule of Law
Immigration Nation: Aid, Control, and Border Politics in Morocco
Immigration, Ethnicity, and National Identity in Brazil, 1808 to the Present (New Approaches to the Americas)
Immortality and the Body in the Age of Milton
Immunity to Parasites: How Parasitic Infections are Controlled
Immunohistochemistry: A Technical Guide to Current Practices
Impact Evaluation: Treatment Effects and Causal Analysis
Impact Mechanics 1ed
Impacts of Climate Change on Allergens and Allergic Diseases
Impacts of Human Population on Wildlife: A British Perspective (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation)
Imperfect Union: Representation and Taxation in Multilevel Governments (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)
Imperial Ideals in the Roman West: Representation, Circulation, Power
Imperial Incarceration: Detention without Trial in the Making of British Colonial Africa (Studies in Legal History)
Imperial Sceptics: British Critics of Empire, 1850–1920: 97 (Ideas in Context, Series Number 97)
Imperial Science: Cable Telegraphy and Electrical Physics in the Victorian British Empire (Science in History)
Imperialism, Art and Restitution
Implementation Science (Elements of Improving Quality and Safety in Healthcare)
Improvement of Vortex Pinning in MgB2