International Order in Diversity: War, Trade and Rule in the Indian Ocean: 137 (Cambridge Studies in International Relations, Series Number 137)
International Organizations: Politics, Law, Practice
International Pecking Orders: The Politics and Practice of Multilateral Diplomacy
International Perspectives on the Management of Sport
International Project Management for Technical Professionals (Technical Manager's Survival Guides)
International Relations in the Middle East: Hegemonic Strategies and Regional Order
International Strategic Management and Government Policy
International Theatre Festivals and Twenty-First-Century Interculturalism (Theatre and Performance Theory)
International Trade in the 1970s: The Us, The Ec And The Growing Pressure Of Protectionism
International Wildfowl Inquiry: Volume 1, Factors Affecting the General Status of Wild Geese and Wild Duck
Interpersonal Emotion Dynamics in Close Relationships (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)
Interpersonal Expectations: Theory, Research and Applications (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)
Interpersonal Grammar: Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory and Description
Interpretation of Dreams
Interpreting Ancient Figurines: Context, Comparison, And Prehistoric Art
Interpreting Avicenna: Critical Essays
Interpreting Duns Scotus: Critical Essays
Interpreting Heidegger: Critical Essays
Interpreting Maimonides: Critical Essays
Interpreting the Images of Greek Myths: An Introduction
Interprofessional Ethics: Collaboration in the Social, Health and Human Services
Interregional Recognition and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments: Lessons for China from US and EU Law: 14 (Studies in Private International Law)
Intersections (Poetry (Peepal Tree Press))