Literary Minstrelsy, 1770-1830: Minstrels and Improvisers in British, Irish, and American Literature (Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism and Cultures of Print)
Literary Portsmouth
Literature and Culture in the Roman Empire, 96–235: Cross-Cultural Interactions
Literature and Heresy in the Age of Chaucer (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, Series Number 71)
Literature and Medicine: Volume 2: The Nineteenth Century
Literature in the Marketplace: Nineteenth-Century British Publishing and Reading Practices: 5 (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Series Number 5)
Literature, Ethics, and the Emotions
Literature, Gender and Politics During the English Civil War
Literature, Modernism and Myth: Belief and Responsibility in the Twentieth Century
Literature, Nationalism, and Memory in Early Modern England and Wales
Literature, Print Culture, and Media Technologies, 1880–1900: Many Inventions: 119 (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, Series Number 119)
Lithics: Macroscopic Approaches to Analysis (Cambridge Manuals in Archaeology)
Little Napoleons and Dummy Directors: Being the Narrative of the Bank of the United States
Live Photo: Crispin Gurholt: 2
Liver Disease in Children
Lives Across Cultures: Cross-Cultural Human Development
Lives of Veronese
Living Ice: Understanding Glaciers and Glaciation
Living in Two Worlds: Diaries of a Jewish Couple in Germany and in Exile
Living Screens: Melodrama and Plasticity in Contemporary Film and Television (Disruptions)
Living Stones: Pebbles, Year A: The Resource Book for Children of Pre-School Age
Living Together and Christian Ethics: 21 (New Studies in Christian Ethics, Series Number 21)
Living Where the Nights Jive
Living with Herds: Human-Animal Coexistence in Mongolia