After Darwin: Literature, Theory, and Criticism in the Twenty-First Century (After Series)
After Kinship: 2 (New Departures in Anthropology)
After Said: Postcolonial Literary Studies in the Twenty-First Century (After Series)
After the Arab Uprisings: Progress and Stagnation in the Middle East and North Africa
After the Avant-Garde: Contemporary German and Austrian Experimental Film (Screen Cultures: German Film and the Visual)
After the Deportation: Memory Battles in Postwar France (Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare)
After the Virus: Lessons from the Past for a Better Future
After Tragedy and Triumph: Essays in Modern Jewish Thought and the American Experience
Against Knowledge Closure
Against the Consensus: Reflections on the Great Recession
Age Discrimination: A Guide to the New Law
Age of Information: Foundations and Applications
Age of Secession: The International and Domestic Determinants of State Birth
Ageing and development
Agile Oracle Application Express (Expert's Voice in Oracle)
Agile Testing: How to Succeed in an Extreme Testing Environment
Agrarian Development and Social Change in Eastern Europe, 14th–19th Centuries: 540 (Variorum Collected Studies)
Agrarian Reform in Russia: The Road from Serfdom
Agreeing and Implementing the Doha Round of the WTO
Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: Breaking out of Knowledge Transfer Traditions
AHA Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease
AI in eHealth: Human Autonomy, Data Governance and Privacy in Healthcare (Cambridge Bioethics and Law)
Airborne Radioactive Contamination in Inhabited Areas: Volume 15 (Radioactivity in the Environment)
Aircraft Aerodynamic Design with Computational Software