Register Variation Online
Regression for Health and Social Science: Applied Linear Models with R
Regulating Assisted Reproductive Technologies: New Horizons (Cambridge Bioethics and Law)
Regulating Patient Safety: The End of Professional Dominance?: 35 (Cambridge Bioethics and Law, Series Number 35)
Regulating Public Services: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
Regulation through Revelation: The Origin, Politics, and Impacts of the Toxics Release Inventory Program
Regulatory Integration Across Borders: Public–Private Cooperation in Transnational Regulation (Cambridge Studies in Transnational Law)
Regulatory Waves: Comparative Perspectives on State Regulation and Self-Regulation Policies in the Nonprofit Sector
Rehabilitation and Acquired Deafness
Rehabilitation and Remediation of Internationally Adopted Children
Reimagining Shakespeare Education: Teaching and Learning through Collaboration
Reimagining the Court of Protection: Access to Justice in Mental Capacity Law (Cambridge Bioethics and Law)
Reinterpreting Islamic Historiography: Harun al-Rashid and the Narrative of the Abbasid Caliphate (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization)
Reinventing Social Solidarity Across Europe
Relational and XML Data Exchange (Synthesis Lectures on Data Management)
Relational Data Clustering: Models, Algorithms, and Applications: 14 (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)
Relational Egalitarianism: Living as Equals
Religion and American Foreign Policy, 1945-1960: The Soul of Containment
Religion and Brazilian Democracy: Mobilizing the People of God (Cambridge Studies in Social Theory, Religion and Politics)
Religion and Democracy in Taiwan
Religion and Identity in Porphyry of Tyre: The Limits of Hellenism in Late Antiquity (Greek Culture in the Roman World)
Religion and Philosophy: 31 (Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, Series Number 31)
Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt