Secrets of Conjuring and Magic: Or How to Become a Wizard (Cambridge Library Collection - Spiritualism and Esoteric Knowledge)
Secular States, Religious Politics: India, Turkey, and the Future of Secularism
Secularism and Religion in Nineteenth-Century Germany: The Rise of the Fourth Confession
Secure Multiparty Computation and Secret Sharing
Securing Europe after Napoleon: 1815 and the New European Security Culture
Securing Human Mobility in the Age of Risk: New Challenges for Travel, Migration, and Borders
Security and International Relations (Themes in International Relations)
Security at the Borders: Transnational Practices and Technologies in West Africa
Sedimentation of Organic Particles
Seducing Souls: Education and the Experience of Human Well-Being
See No Evil: Uncovering The Truth Behind The Financial Crisis
Seeds of Stability: Land Reform and US Foreign Policy
Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Forests, Climate Change, and Our Future
Seeing the Light: The Case for Nuclear Power in the 21st Century
Seeking Finding Losing
Seeking Virtue in Finance: Contributing to Society in a Conflicted Industry
Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis
Seizure and Epilepsy Care: The Pocket Epileptologist (Cambridge Manuals in Neurology)
Selected Literary Essays (Canto Classics)
Selections from the Smuts Papers: Vol. VI: December 1934-August 1945: Volume 6, December 1934-August 1945
Self-Assessment in Dermatopathology
Self-Control, Decision Theory, and Rationality: New Essays