Shakespeare's Accents: Voicing Identity in Performance
Shakespeare's Alternative Tales (Longman Medieval and Renaissance Library)
Shakespeare's Domestic Tragedies: Violence in the Early Modern Home
Shakespeare's Imagery
Shakespeare's Ovid: The Metamorphoses in the Plays and Poems
Shakespeare's Sonnets: The Alternative Text
Shakespeare's Tragedies: Violation and Identity
Shakespeare's White Others
Shakespeare's Workplace: Essays on Shakespearean Theatre
Shakespeare, 'A Lover's Complaint', and John Davies of Hereford
Shakespeare, 'Othello' and Domestic Tragedy (Continuum Shakespeare Studies)
Shakespeare, from Stage to Screen
Shakespeare, Love and Service
Shakespeare, Spectatorship and the Technologies of Performance
Shakespeare, Technicity, Theatre
Shakespearean Verse Speaking: Text and Theatre Practice
Shakespeare’s Double-Dealing Comedies: Deciphering the “Problem Plays”
Shaping Abortion Discourse: Democracy and the Public Sphere in Germany and the United States (Communication, Society and Politics)
Shaping the African Savannah: From Capitalist Frontier to Arid Eden in Namibia: 149 (African Studies, Series Number 149)
Sharks upon the Land: Colonialism, Indigenous Health, and Culture in Hawai'i, 1778–1855 (Studies in North American Indian History)
Shattered Applause: The Lives of Eva Le Gallienne
She Is Weeping: An Intellectual History of Racialized Slavery and Emotions in the Atlantic World
Sheehy's Manual of Emergency Care
Sherlock Holmes and the Queen of Diamonds