Sovereign Joy: Afro-Mexican Kings and Queens, 1539-1640 (Afro-Latin America)
Sovereignty in Fragments: The Past, Present and Future of a Contested Concept
Soviet Legal Innovation and the Law of the Western World
Soviet State and Society between Revolutions, 1918–1929 (Cambridge Russian Paperbacks, Series Number 8)
Soviet-British Relations since the 1970s
Space and Society in the Greek and Roman Worlds (Key Themes in Ancient History)
Space on Earth: Saving Our World By Seeking Others (Macmillan Science)
Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Radar (Radar Library)
Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization: 29 (Cambridge Aerospace Series, Series Number 29)
Spanish National Cinema (National Cinemas)
Spatial Analysis for the Social Sciences (Analytical Methods for Social Research)
Spatial Analysis in Field Primatology: Applying GIS at Varying Scales
Spatial Biases in Perception and Cognition
Speaking from the Heart: Gender and the Social Meaning of Emotion (Studies in Emotion and Social Interaction)
Speaking of Faith
Speaking Out: Storytelling and Creative Drama for Children
Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials: 153 (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Series Number 153)
Special Relativity: From Einstein to Strings
Species Conservation: Lessons from Islands (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation)
Specific Learning Disabilities and Difficulties in Children and Adolescents: Psychological Assessment and Evaluation (Cambridge Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
Spectral Generalizations of Line Graphs: On Graphs with Least Eigenvalue -2: 314 (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, Series Number 314)
Spectral Theory and Differential Op: 42 (Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Series Number 42)